
Saturday Apr 22, 2017
The Labor Beat Podcast: Move to Amend, WRNR News Director, Mike Manypenny
Saturday Apr 22, 2017
Saturday Apr 22, 2017
This podcast of the Labor Beat program on Enlighten Radio was broadcast April 21, 2017 at Enlighten Studio in Shepherdstown, West Vrginia. The show is hosted by JB Christensen and John Case. Former Delegate Mike Manypenny reviews the WV legislature and prospects for 2018 elections. Frank Hribar updates the National Move to Amend the US Constitution to get money out of politics, and Al McGilvraw, former News Director at WRNR Rado in Martinsburg, tell it like it is in the news biz these days.

Saturday Apr 22, 2017
Saturday Apr 22, 2017
This podcast of the Paris on the Potomac Show was broadcast on Enlighten Radio April 21, 2017, 7:30 - 9:00 AM, EST. Gayle Becker and John Case host the program weekly.
Our first guest is Anne Thompson, a local ceramic artist, who has opened a new studio in Bolivar, West Virginia, along with several gifted collaborators.
At 8:00 AM, Dr. Rush Holt, Ph.D., is the 18th chief executive officer of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and executive publisher of the Science family of journals. In this role, Holt leads the world's largest multi-disciplinary scientific and engineering society.
At 8:30, Laura Steepleton joins the program afterwards on the efforts to stop natural gas pipeline threats to West Virginia rivers and lands. Water protector associations are springing up in the Eastern Panhandle.

Friday Apr 21, 2017
Resistance Radio -- Stewart Acuff Interviews Bill Fletcher
Friday Apr 21, 2017
Friday Apr 21, 2017
This podcast of Resistance Radio was broadcast on Enlighten Radio April 19, 2017. Legendary organizer Stewart Acuff interviews another lifelong leader and intellectual in the labor, civil rights, peace and solidarity movements. Resistance radio broadcasts Wednesdays, 10-11 AM EST, from Shepherdstown, West Virginia,

Wednesday Apr 19, 2017
Wednesday Apr 19, 2017
The podcast of the Labor Beat program on Enlighten Radio was broadcast April 14, 2017 from Shepherdstown, West Virginia. Jesse johnson reviews the complex fight to enact medical cannabis; Del. Mick Bates (D-Raleigh) and Del Shawn Fluharty (D-Ohio) join the discussion of events leading up to Governor Jim Justice vetoing House and Senate Republican "fake budgets", which he did theatrically by bringing a real bucket of steaming bovine excrement to his press conference, and turning on the emergency lights in the state capital.

Monday Apr 17, 2017
Monday Apr 17, 2017
This episode was broadcast April 17, 2017 at the Enlighten Radio studio in Shepherdstown, PA. Storytelling with Fanny regularly broadcasts Noon - 1 PM, EST, Mondays.

Sunday Apr 16, 2017
Paris on the Potomac: WV Solar Expansion
Sunday Apr 16, 2017
Sunday Apr 16, 2017
This podcast of the Paris on the Potomac show was Broadcast on April 7, 2017 at Enlighten Radio Studio in Shepherdstown West Virginia. John CAse and Gayle Becker host the program Guests include solar market innovator Dan Conant, advocate April Keating, and Downstream Strategies on the expanding solar power movements and markets in West Virginia.

Friday Apr 14, 2017
Friday Apr 14, 2017
Ths podcast of the Paris on the Potomoac Show was broadcast on Enlighten Radio March 31, 2017. John Case and Gayle Becker host. Shawn Walker, a true tree scientist, and founder of Trees101, an arbor consulting service. Ellen Smith discusses an initiativve of Sustainable Jefferson County to establish a community time bank.

Friday Apr 14, 2017
Friday Apr 14, 2017
Dr Zakee McGill and John Case interview Cordelia Gaffar on Enlighten Radio. This episode was broadcast April 12, 2017